February 24, 2014

Tornado Survivor

Yup, you read correctly, I have officially been in a tornado!
I didn't actually get to see it, which was kind of a bummer, but it definitely hit right here in Fort Payne. And I did wake up to our weather alert texts and the warnings from our wonderful weather radio, NOAA (like Noah...kinda ironic because he was the one that prophesied about the flood)
But all is well and we are safe!
I was sitting in church yesterday and I came to the conclusion that I am most definitely a city girl. Don't mind visiting the country and just exploring it for a while, but there is no way that I could live here! It is pretty crazy, but it's definitely a fun adventure :)
It's a little different to adjust to missionary work out here because everything is SOOO spread out. We're talkin' like our branch boundaries are 80 miles across. Part of it even goes into Georgia and we're about an hour and a half from Chattanooga, Tennessee! Our branch has about 50 regular attenders including children and it's the smallest building I've ever been to. There's not even a cultural hall! But the people are really sweet and most of them are converts so it's been fun to hear about how they joined the church. One of my favorite parts is the "mountains". For all you folks out west, they are most definitely glorified hills. But we just go with the flow and call it a mountain while we're here for all intents and purposes haha! I'll have to take a picture of it soon!
Fort Payne is the "big city" around here and there is just one strip that has a few restaurants and most importantly, a WALMART. It's quite the crackup and I am slowly, but surely learning to love it! It took Hermana Torgersen about 3 months to get used to it and I've been here for less than a week so it'll come :)
Speaking of which, I am just so SO happy to be here with Hermana Torgensen. It is most definitely a dream.come.true!!!! In fact, earlier this morning we were reminicsing about our days in the CCM. We just had an absolute blast! And now we get to be together in the field. It's completely different being in the real world together, but definitely just as much fun :) She is the sweetest, most positive, Christlike person I know! And I just feel so blessed to have her as my companion. (Shhh...don't tell President we've been companions before!)
We are working with some awesome people too! We met a man named Jubentino this week. He had met some other sisters before and really wanted a book of mormon. We were able to bring him one and had a great lesson with him, and Hna T did most of the talking (she's had some more practice with her spanish) but she said that the gift of tongues definitely helped her with that one. We were also with a member from the branch and were able to translate for her. Let's just say our espanol has come a looonnnggggg way since the CCM. We are also teaching this cute family that has a baptismal date! They have theee cutest two year old named Alex and I just can't wait for them to join the church! It definitely is a struggle to get hispanics to come to an english ward/branch but we're doing the best we can. There are a few less-actives that we're trying to get back and hopefully start a little spanish group. I guess they used to have one but then Alabama changed the immigration laws and a lot of them had to leave. #welcometobeingaspanishspeakingmissionaryinthestates
Can you believe all of this talk about hispanics? Finally, after half my mission we are speaking spanish on a daily basis. It's a little bit difficult because I haven't had that much experience but I'm just trying to do the best I can!
All is well from the backwoods of Alabama! Being a missionary is such a fun adventure!Inline image 1
Together again :)
con amor,
Hermana Blackner

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