February 11, 2014

Global Warming is a Real Thing

Hola! Yo quiero hablar mas en espanol pero no hay muchas oportunidades aqui. Es no bueno!

Well that's about as much Spanish as I get to use this week. 
It really hit me as people keep asking me about Spanish that I really don't get to use it 
and I'm freaking out because I'm almost halfway done with my mission 
and I feel like I'm never going to learn it!

Every week our district leader has us work on a Christlike attribute and we report back to him on Sunday nights. This past week I was working on patience. Throughout my mission, I feel like my patience has improved tremendously, but we can always do better right?

Well this week Heavenly Father was going to teach my patience. 
The first 3 days of the week...there were some major trials! 
And they came in the form of ELDERS
But we persevered and came out conqueror. 

This week we had reason to CELEBRATE!!!!
February 6: Sister McDowell's year mark (Kenzie's birthday Ü) 
February 7: One year anniversary of receiving my mission call
February 8: Elder Leali'ie'e's 2 year mark!

So during correlation on friday night, we had Cafe Rio. And it was d.i.v.i.n.e.
The works:
cilantro lime rice
homemade tortillas
the dressing
homemade pico de guallo
homemade guacamole

Sounds amazing, right?

We went on lots of visits this week. 
First, with the Primary President to all the kids who have birthdays this month! It was so fun! 
And then yesterday with the Relief Society Presidency to less-active members. 
It's really nice to be involved and get to meet more people so that we can help them to strengthen their testimonies and fulfill our purpose!

We had dinner at one of our favorite families this week. We had breakfast for dinner and they were all in their PJs. It was adorable! 
For our lesson we talked about our families and how important they are and how we can show our love for them. And one of those ways is SERVICE. 
So we had them each pick someone in their family to do service for this week and then tell us at church yesterday. 
They all walk into the building and they are giggling and avoiding eye contact with us. 
Sister McDowell and I had kind of forgot that we asked them to do that but then the mom came up to us and said that they reason for all the silliness is that they were waiting to tell us who they were going to do haha! 
It was so precious! 
So one by one, they each came up and told, and then next week they are going to report on how it went! 

Quick recap on zone conference:
----Mosiah 18:30 
We will always love Alabama
This is copied from what I sent to President this week. Remember this?
First of all, when you were talking about the waters of Mormon and how Alabama will always be a sacred place for us I thought about a couple years ago when my parents went to Guatemala in July and actually saw the waters of Mormon. They sent each of their kids a postcard from there and I was at BYU, but the other 3 still lived at home. So they all got their postcards in August or so. I was taking a Book of Mormon class that fall semester and one day in October, our lesson was about that place and the significance that it had for all of those people. When I walked home from class that day my postcard came 3 months later! I told my teacher about it and he then talked to me about the tender mercies of the Lord and how sometimes things like that happen and they definitely aren't coincidences. The Lord really is involved in the details of our life and I am so grateful for those places, like the waters of Mormon and Alabama and BYU where people have come to the knowledge of their Redeemer.

----Service Soften Stony Souls

----What describes YOU?
Do you do things out of duty or out of love?
duty     -------------------------------------------------------->          love
on a mission                      missionary                     disciple

It was a fabulous day! 

Well we're supposed to get some snow today and tomorrow. I know spring is just around the corner! I just know it! 

love love love
Hermana Blackner

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