January 20, 2014

I Can Do Hard Things

Sister McDowell and I were tearin' it up this week! Decatur is havin' a comeback. 

We also started our week off by biking to the church and then working out this morning. And had hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. #healthnuts

Last week we made a goal with the Elders to pass out 20 Book of Mormons and we did it
Best way to get an elder to do anything is through his stomach.
We can seriously make them do anything by promising food!
So the reward...chocolate chip cookies with oreos in the middle! 
There will definitely be more group goals in the near future :)

And we have been doing some serious mommy duty this week. Those poor elders, bless their hearts, but they need all the help they can get. 
The mission field really is the MTC for the rest of your life.

We had interviews with President Hanks this week and afterwards Sister Hanks took us to lunch so she didn't have to be at the church by herself. I seriously love that woman :) 

I am so grateful to be in the Alabama Birmingham Mission!

What I learned from my interview. We all have our turn to do hard things. And during these times, we have to decide how we're going to deal with it and if we're going to become a better person because of it. 
And then, "...if we endure it well, we shall be exalted on high" (D&C 121:7-9)

We went on exchanges this week. I think they are so fun because you get to learn from other missionaries! We've all had different experiences and it's always fun to meet new people and get to know them better! Especially when we all have the same purpose here and love being servants of the Lord.

Brenda is beyond excited for her baptism this week! :) And so.are.we.! 
She is going to make such an awesome addition to our ward! 
Everyone always loves her and I'm so glad they are so supportive. 

We are also getting super excited for our activity this week!
The Elders went to go talk to some of the local preachers yesterday and we are going to some other churches on Wednesday night. We've been handing out lots of invitations and so have the members. It's going to be awesome! 
In this case, the more the merrier is definitely true :) 

We had a very successful weekend of store contacting. We were able to talk to so many people and the best is when we tell them what we're doing and they get so interested! 

Sometimes I forget that we're the "weird' ones wearing skirts and name tags everyday. It kind of just seems like every day life. 
Actually we were in a store this past week and a lady asked us if she could return her purchase and we had to tell her that we didn't actually work there haha!  

One of our new investigators this week is a lady named Pumpkin. She is fantastic! 

Story Time:
So once upon a time, probably 20 years ago, there was a sister missionary serving in Decatur and her and her companion knocked on Pumpkin's door. As far as I know, they didn't have a chance to teach her anything but that sister missionary told Pumpkin that she was a very special lady and that she would never forget about her for the rest of her life. And she never did. They still keep in contact and now she has a family of her own and sends Pumpkin her Christmas card each year and even came down to Alabama to visit her this spring.
Well, a few weeks ago I get an email from the daughter of this sister missionary who was in one of my wards at BYU and she gave me Pumpkin's information and gave me very specific instructions to bring a gift and tell Pumpkin who sent us and she would let us right in. 
My companion and I did just that and we even invited her to be baptized and she said YES! 
If y'all couldn't tell, the work has been struggling a little bit here in Decatur but I firmly believe that I'm here for a reason. 
20 years ago, some missionaries planted a seed and I am so grateful that I am here now and am able to help this woman grow closer to her Savior, Jesus Christ and follow His example by being baptized and partaking of the blessings of the gospel. 

more details to come Ü

the best joke I heard this week:

So a snail went to the car dealership to buy a red convertible. 
And the salesperson asked if the snail had the money and insurance to buy the car and the snail said yes. 
The salesperson also asked if the snail had any requests for customization. The snail said "Yes, I need an S on the sides of the car." 
Well the salesperson thought it was kind of weird but did it anyways. 
A few weeks later the snail came to pick up the car and the salesperson asked, "Why did you want an S on the side of the car?" 
The snail replied, "When I drive by, I want people to say, Wow, look at the S car go!"
(escargot...get it? haha! Ü) 

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and have a wonderful week!

con amor,
Hermana Blackner

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