October 21, 2013

"Leave it all Behind"

Well it is officially fall in Alabama. And when it hits 60 degrees, the people start bundling up like it's 20 below haha!
The biggest news of the week of course was transfers. Like without Hermana Wong is different, but my new companion is super sweet! Hermana Madsen is from Las Vegas and has served in a spanish branch for the whole time she's been here, 8 months. So pretty much we're gonna hope that I'm fluent by the end of this transfer. haha just kidding...but wouldn't it be nice?
There were 217 missionaries at transfer meeting, the biggest one yet. And President spent 18 hours trying to figure it all out. What a big project!
The Elder that just got transferred into our ward is awesome too! He is spanish speaking as well and he has VISION! He's been out for quite a while and has all these great plans and is super energetic and ready to get things done. He says that in the next 5 years, there will be a spanish branch in Birmingham. Well looks like we have a lot of work to do, given the fact that we have z.e.r.o. hispanic investigators haha!
The beginning of this week was filled with lots of goodbyes. It was like wash, rinse, repeat. Go to a house, teach a lesson, take pictures, the talking continues, and then finally goodbye. But the last lesson I taught with Hermana Wong was one of the best ones yet. We were teaching Robert and Nikki and had planned to teach about eternal marriage but didn't really know how it was going to work out. Well it naturally came up in our conversation at dinner and by the end of the lesson, everyone was crying haha!  We basically all just shared our testimonies and why eternal marriage was important to us. We talked about the examples of our parents, our dating experiences from the past and the steps that we needed to make in order to accomplish our goals. The spirit was so strong and it was awesome to be able to talk, as 4 young adults and share how the gospel has blessed our lives and what we are going to do to make this important decision. Obviously for Nikki and Robert it will come a lot sooner but I guess it's always a good reminder.
This week I had the opportunity to be BOLD. It's always something I wanted to do and felt like I needed to do because what do I have to lose right? But it's a lot easier said than done. However, with a new transfer comes change and a new beginning and I was ready to embrace it. So because I know the area, know the investigators, know the members, and everything else I kind of had to take charge even though I feel like I don't have very much experience. And it was kind of empowering. It was a testimony builder to me that I CAN do this and that because I have the name of Jesus Christ on my nametag, I can do all things. I was talking to people in the store, I was offering to help people, I was calling all these less actives and trying to set up appointments, I was explaining things and testifying and who knows what else. And I realized that through it all, I'm becoming the missionary that the Lord needs me to become. And maybe this transfer will be a growing one. I know the expectation won't be 7 baptisms every transfer, so I will just have to keep working hard and be the best sister missionary I can be! And what I learned from doing all this is that this is what it means to serve the Lord with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. Because I was so focused on trying to plan things for the next day/week, I didn't have time to think about anything else! My mind was constantly being turned to each investigator and their needs and how I could help them. And more importantly, how we're not going to go over our miles for the month haha! But really, it's been an eyeopening experience and there is so much more work to do!

Another highlight of the week was that Lawrence came to church!!!! I could not even contain my joy and excitement that he finally made it! And afterwards I asked him how it was and he said it was so much fun! Ahhh that kid is golden. So be prepared for a baptism in a couple weeks :)
And never in my life have I ever been so grateful for all the knowledge I've gained of the scriptures. Maybe it was just my love of learning, but religion classes, sunday school, seminary, parents and teachers, yeah y'all did a good job because I have been saved so many times in lessons because I know the scriptures. Let's just say my companionships would be at a complete loss if there wasn't some basic level of understanding between me and the investigators. These people know their stuff. Welcome to the bible belt :)
Anyways, the work is moving forward and we are focusing our goals on working with the members. Member present lessons are going to become a daily occasion. And it's starting tonight :) Till next week!
con amor, 
Hermana Blackner

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